Scaling Your Drone Business
Ready to automate your business, focus on your creative efforts and keep your business going and growing? If you’re ready to spend less time on mundane tasks and more time on your creative projects, then this course is for you! Whether you’re a drone pilot, photographer, mapper or modeler, this course will help you create autonomous systems to serve your clients. Keep your clients engaged, automate client notifications, set expectations and have your business run smoothly. This way, you can handle more clients and truly scale your business.

Commercial Roof Inspection
Safer, faster, more efficient, more effective, more impressive…..sound like a list of attributes your roofing company can embrace? Every single one of these attributes, and more, are absolutely viable when you deploy the use of drones in your roofing business. In this course, created through a joint effort between Imagine Technologies Group (created by the proprietors of Division 7 Roofing), PROPS Flight School by Drone U and Optelos, you will learn everything you need to know to incorporate drones into your roofing business. After going through this course, you’ll understand why using drones to collect data on the roofs you serve is a no brainer, how to collect the data and most importantly….how to interpret the data and use it to better serve, and delight, your customers.